The DREAM Lab has just published two more studies on our metallic de-icing technology BEAMS. In “Durable Metallic Surfaces Capable of Passive and Active De-icing” Kamran and co-authors explored transforming BEAMS from a passive to an active de-icing technology. Now BEAMS is capable of de-icing passively, using pressurized air (like a de-icing boot), and using heated air flowed underneath the metal sheet. Exciting to see how versatile the system has become.
In “Effect of Curvature on Durable Ice-phobic Surfaces based on Buckling Metallic Plates” Kamran and co-authors studied non-planar BEAMS, as most the important de-icing applications (airplane wings, wind turbines, power lines…) are not flat! Quite interesting to see buckling again lead to the low ice adhesion properties, but this time of the elastomeric supports rather than the metal sheet!
Check out both of Kamran’s excellent publications below:
Durable Metallic Surfaces Capable of Passive and Active De-icing
Effect of Curvature on Durable Ice-phobic Surfaces based on Buckling Metallic Plates